Sunday, July 14, 2013

Different Types of Girls

Girls are like jellybeans, each girl is different in their own unique way. If you have ever eaten jelly beans before then you know what I'm talking about. There are many different colors of jellybeans and each color signifies a different flavor. For example, if you ate a red jellybean then you picked a cherry flavored one. The idea is clearly the same for girls, aside from color because that would be racism. Hehe. Imagine girls as jellybeans, everyone of them has their or characteristics and personality. In this posts I will describe the different types of girls out there.

1. Period Girls 

The first type of girl you might encounter is what I would like to call as a "Period Girl". Now why "Period Girl" you might ask? Well, it's basically because they act like they're on their period all the time, all day long. These kind of girls are always grumpy and have that "What do you want?!" expression on their faces. If you plan to approach these kind of girls then you should proceed with caution. There is a huge chance that you might just get ignore or worse, yelled at. I've had experience with these kind of girls and let me tell you, it was a very frustrating experience. My friend's friend was like this, whenever I asked a question she always seemed very annoyed as if she didn't want to answer me. She would look at me with an obviously annoyed look, with her forehead crumpled and her eyebrows making 45 degree angles each. I bet that's the reason why she hasn't had a boyfriend until now.

2. Super Sensitive Girls

The second type of girl out there are those super sensitive one. When I say sensitive I REALLY mean SENSITIVE, all caps for emphasis and level of degree. These type of girls are so fragile emotionally, but sometimes also physically. Never ever watch a with a girl like this unless you don't mind getting you shoulder wet. These types of girls are so sensitive that a slight gesture of sweetness towards them will make them cry tears of joy. Now I don't have any problem towards their type but too much sensitivity might sometime get overboard. You should choose the words you say to them carefully. They might sometimes take you jokes seriously. A simple "You look fat" joke might make them not eat for days because they think that they're actually fat even though they are all skin and bones.

3. Gender Confused Girls

This one makes me laugh the most probably because my girlfriend is kind of like this. This type of girl sometimes acts kind of boyish. Most men expect women to be sensitive but they are different from the ordinary. They seldom wear dresses and almost anything too feminine. They mostly prefer to wear pants rather than skirts and shorts. I've tried and begged my girlfriend to wear a skirt at least once to one of our dates but I always failed. She doesn't even wear earrings or necklaces even though she had her ears pierced when she was a baby. Another characteristic of this type of girls is that they only wear makeup once in a blue moon. I like girls who aren't so obsessed with makeup, but I don't mind my girlfriend putting on at least lipstick or a simple foundation on. Even though they act like boys, these type of girls are real girls and not lesbians. My girlfriend was like this until I was able to "convert" her. Lol!

4. Gossip Girls

I guess the most annoying trait of some girls out there is being a gossip girl. Gossip girls know almost every gossip and story about other people. Combined with her also gossip obsessed girlfriends would result in a "talk show-like" conversation. I just couldn't imagine having  girlfriend like this. Imagine someone talking and talking endlessly about rumors and senseless gossip about random people all day long. Man, that would be a nightmare for me. I'm just glad that my girlfriend isn't that type of girl.

5. Makeup Obsessed Girls

Last but not the least on my list of types of girls are the makeup obsessed girls. This type of girls are would literally do anything just to have makeup on their faces. Let's get one thing straight, putting on makeup isn't bad at all if used in the right amounts. Makeup makes girls look more prettier and makes their skin look more radiant than without makeup. The only bad thing about putting on makeup is when it's "overdosed". Just like medicine, too much is a bad thing. Have you ever seen a girl which you couldn't figure out if her job was a clown or she just plainly put on too much makeup. I have a cousin who has a somewhat tan skin color and is, in my opinion, obsessed with makeup. Even when she is just in their house, she would put makeup on. I mean why in the world would you even need to put makeup on when you are just in your house? I would understand if she was waiting for a guest or a friend but no, she wasn't expecting anyone and still she puts on tons of makeup. She sometimes puts on too much make up to the point that you couldn't see difference in color between her face and her neck. Just try imaging Michael Jackson with a white face and the rest of his body still black. 

All girls are different and, with that being said, react to things and situations differently too. I believe that even though not all girls are the same, they still need to be respected and loved. God made each and everyone of us differently and special in our own way, regardless if you're a male or female. 

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